Our Shopping Cart is Live - BeStitched Needlepoint
Posted on June 11 2013
Get ready to fill up your goodie bags, because our shopping cart is going live!
That's right folks. We are pleased to announce that BeStitched Needlepoint has just launched our shopping cart. We now have a one stop shop for all your favorite needlepoint items; painted canvases, stitch guides, kits, accessories, bags, classes and more..
Our new shopping cart will allow you to shop directly from the comfort of your home, or if you prefer straight from your mobile devices. You are now only one click away and can purchase the most coveted needlepoint items directly from our shopping cart, straight into your arms!
We hope all you long distance needlepoint lovers are just as excited as we are! Now, what are you waiting for? Check out our website - http://store.bestitchedneedlepointshop.com/
Make sure to browse through the items, "Like" them on Facebook, Tweet them, Pin them on Pinterest and help us spread the word! If you have any questions, feel free to give us a call (480) 991-0706 or email us at thegirls@bestitchedneedlepoint.com.