Selfie Series
Selfie Series

Who doesn't love a good selfie? Join in the fun of Rebecca Wood's playful canvas series, with stitch guides by Lisa Kessler. At the start of your Series, choose if you'd like the thread kit included, then the monthly packages will start arriving ready to stitch! Each month's Selfie comes with the canvas, full stitch guide, and all the threads you need (if you selected that option).
These small canvases lend themselves to be turned into perfect ornaments (see the great job Linda D did in product photos), and are great weekend stitches! We love having a few small projects going while doing a big canvas, and joining a club/series is perfect to fill that need.
In your original purchase, choose if you'd like to include thread kits for all 8 canvases. The one time $245.00 thread cost is included in the first month's fee if you choose this option, then all subsequent months are just $80.00.
Cancellation Policy 60 days by phone.